Printing is a competitive industry that is undergoing a transformation and the right plan of action in 2016 can help your business succeed. If you’re a print shop owner, follow these 4 tips to plan for success:
Help your clients become sustainable
Sustainability and reducing carbon footprints is a popular topic that corporations and governments alike have focused on, creating new policies and standards. Most businesses see the value of becoming more sustainable and have made it a priority. Printing companies have opportunity to help their customers reach these goals while bolstering their corporate social responsibility programs. For example the use of carbon balanced paper can help customers reduce their carbon footprint.
Attract millennials
Much like other parts of the manufacturing sector, the printing industry has a higher median age than other industries. A 2014 study from the Printing Industry Alliance showed that the median age in the printing industry in North America is 46 years old. Over the next decade, many of these workers will be retiring and it’s going to be important to find new employees. Attracting and training young, new talent through apprentice programs, can help you have continued growth in the years to come.
Invest in digital printing
Digital printing has come a long way in the past few years to the point that most people can’t even tell the difference from offset printing. Investing in digital printers can be expensive, but having the ability to deliver on shorter turnaround times for your customers can pay off. Additionally, being able to offer your customers cheaper costs for low volume will also allow you to expand your business to new customer segments that you couldn’t previously service.
Focus on customers
In all aspects of business, understanding your customers is important. Maintaining and strengthening relationships with your established customers should be an area of focus for 2016. Listening to your customers and understanding their needs will make it easier to sell to them. In a highly competitive industry, having the right relationships is everything and will reap benefits for years to come.
With the right planning in 2016 you can invest in the future of your business and stay ahead of the competition.